Whelp, it's official! We live in Texas. This blog post could prove to be pretty long so, stick with me!
First, I would like to start off by explaining why I left Facebook. I know a lot of people supported me in doing that, but, it was still a difficult decision. I have had Facebook since the beginning of time...well, pretty much since Facebook's time (2004ish) That's almost 10 years people. I have had Facebook for nearly 10 years. wow. It had become a part of my daily life and routine. If I was bored, I would check facebook, if I had a minute to spare, I would check Facebook. I really feel like it had me started to take time with real people for granted. I mean, hey, I could ALWAYS catch up with them on Facebook. Another reason, I got a PHONE CALL from a dear friend from high school that heard through the grapevine that I was moving. She wanted to meet up before I left. She doesn't have facebook so we soley keep up by going out to see each other face-to-face. I really started to get the feeling that a lot of the people that I called "friends" just assumed that they could keep up with me on Facebook, eliminating the need to call me or see me. I don't fly like that people. Linnea Olson knows how much it drives me crazy that she will answer a text but not a phone call! (she answers my phone calls from time to time even though it pains her!!! It must be because she loves me so much.) It's the same with Facebook. It drives me crazy that people don't take the time to call one another any more. So, I decided to drop off Facebook and the people that really care will still find a way to contact me. All ya'll are welcome here whenever you want! (once we are no longer homeless!)
A lot of people have been asking where we are living and what our plans are here. We have some really AMAZINGLY GREAT friends here in Houston whom have generously opened their home and allowed us to live with them. Kathryn and Victor are a beautiful couple that we were blessed enough to meet during our time in Mexico. Kathryn was a missionary there for a long time and married a Mexican man named Victor. They moved back to the states when things started to get rough down in Mexico. It's super awesome because Victor is learning English but gets tired of practicing and tells me I need to practice my Spanish so we switch languages. It's a bilingual household and I love every second of it!!! Plus, they eat ice cream every night. It's pretty great. :)
Currently, Evan and I are trying to buy another house here but have run into several snags. I do believe that the Lord has led us here, things have gone too smoothly for the most part, but it has definitely been a challenge. It has tested our faith, our relationship, and our belief in ourselves but has made us so much stronger.
Our house in Sullivan sold in 24 days for sale by owner. We were blessed; and then, things started going wrong! Some electrical issues showed up in the inspection which caused the realtor and an electrician to get under the house and find mold....that was black...Due to his legal obligation, he informed us and the buyer of the organic substance. The buyer freaked, I freaked, and the tension got hot. I had ServPro come estimate it which turned into a huge expense. Then I insisted on having it tested to be sure that it was in fact black mold (stachybotrys)... turns out it's just penicillin (very common) but still going to be a large expense and sets us back in the closing of our house. Keep in mind, I dealt with all this while Evan was living in Houston and was unable to help me....that means I was down crawling around in the crawl space and doing all the things he would normally do....ick.
The market here in Houston is a lot different than Illinois. Houses sell in days, not months. If you find a house you like, you better put an offer in on it before you leave because chances are, if you wait until you get home, it will be sold. We put an offer in on a house, offered $5,000 less than asking price and asked for closing costs. The next day they got an offer for full asking price with no closing....needless to say, our offer got tossed into the wind. Now, we are back at square one. It's frustrating.
As far as what we are doing....Evan is working at the University of Houston as a Systems Analyst. He pretty much makes sure nothing breaks and then when it does, he notifies the right people. He monitors all the systems for the University...and because he gets free tuition, we are taking ideas on what he should get his PhD in! :) I am working for an awesome company in Houston too! I am going to be taking over for a gal in the HR department at Recon Remedial Construction that is about to go on maternity leave. I have only been there two days but I LOVE it. The hope is that there will be a full time position for me when she comes back from leave. We shall see!!!
As I write this, I realize how long it is and how RANDOM it is....I apologize. I have been thinking about all the stuff I need to write for about 3 weeks....It's just now getting done because I don't feel like doing my homework!
I think this is probably long enough for now. I will write about the move down here (and tips for a cross country move...WHAT NOT TO DO!!!) and a few other things...
Don't worry about us, folks! It's 80+ degrees and life is good. These Texans keep talking about the cool weather coming (70s....) haha They have NO IDEA what cool weather means. I just laugh when they say that.
Stay tuned for more...and for a few pictures!!!
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
My Own Little World. Part 1
This song has burrowed deep in my soul. The first time I heard it, all I could think of was "what have I become?"
This song couldn't be more perfect for where I am at right now...see the breakdown below:
In my own little world it hardly ever rains This summer MIGHT be the exception!
I've never gone hungry, always felt safe Couldn't be more true.
I got some money in my pocket, shoes on my feet I have SEVERAL choices of shoes to put on my feet and enough money in my pocket to make it. More than a lot of people have.
In my own little world: population -- me Pretty much. ME. ME. ME.
I try to stay awake during Sunday morning church Or try to pay attention.
I throw a twenty in the plate but I never give 'til it hurts SO TRUE.
And I turn off the news when I don't like what I see These days, I don't even turn on the news.
It's easy to do when its population -- me
What if there's a bigger picture? THERE IS A BIGGER PICTURE! I've SEEN IT!
What if I'm missing out? I KNOW I AM!
What if there's a greater purpose? "you are meant for great things, Michala." That does NOT mean great things like a huge closet full of stuff I don't need.
I could be living right now YES!
Outside my own little world PLEASE!
Stopped till the red light, looked out my window
I saw a cardboard sign said, "Help this homeless widow" Remember the lady with no shoes, mom?
And just above that sign was the face of a human
I thought to myself, "God, what have I been doing?" SERIOUSLY! What HAVE I been doing?
So I rolled down the window and I looked her in the eye
Oh, how many times have I just passed her by?
I gave her some money then I drove on through I gave to a homeless man for the first time in a VERY long time the other day. It was only $2 (all I had in my purse) but to him, it made a difference.
And my own little world reached population two Making progress.
What if there's a bigger picture?
What if I'm missing out?
What if there's a greater purpose?
I could be living right now
Outside my own little world, ooh, my own little world, ooh
Father, break my heart for what breaks Yours Lord, I know you have already done this, but my heart has hardened. Break it! I'm SO ready.
Give me open hands and open doors
Put Your light in my eyes and let me see He made the lame walk and the dumb talk
And He opened blinded eyes to see- I've been blind, help me see!!!
That my own little world is not about me
What if there's a bigger picture?
What if I'm missing out?
What if there's a greater purpose?
That I could be living right now
I don't wanna miss what matters This scares me! I don't want to reach the end of my life and realize that I have done nothing but live for myself.
I wanna be reaching out I've known this since 2005.
Show me the greater purpose Show me where I belong.
So I can start living right now I don't want to waste another minute!
Outside my own little world, my own little world, my own little world
I've never gone hungry, always felt safe Couldn't be more true.
I got some money in my pocket, shoes on my feet I have SEVERAL choices of shoes to put on my feet and enough money in my pocket to make it. More than a lot of people have.
In my own little world: population -- me Pretty much. ME. ME. ME.
I try to stay awake during Sunday morning church Or try to pay attention.
I throw a twenty in the plate but I never give 'til it hurts SO TRUE.
And I turn off the news when I don't like what I see These days, I don't even turn on the news.
It's easy to do when its population -- me
What if there's a bigger picture? THERE IS A BIGGER PICTURE! I've SEEN IT!
What if I'm missing out? I KNOW I AM!
What if there's a greater purpose? "you are meant for great things, Michala." That does NOT mean great things like a huge closet full of stuff I don't need.
I could be living right now YES!
Outside my own little world PLEASE!
Stopped till the red light, looked out my window
I saw a cardboard sign said, "Help this homeless widow" Remember the lady with no shoes, mom?
And just above that sign was the face of a human
I thought to myself, "God, what have I been doing?" SERIOUSLY! What HAVE I been doing?
So I rolled down the window and I looked her in the eye
Oh, how many times have I just passed her by?
I gave her some money then I drove on through I gave to a homeless man for the first time in a VERY long time the other day. It was only $2 (all I had in my purse) but to him, it made a difference.
And my own little world reached population two Making progress.
What if there's a bigger picture?
What if I'm missing out?
What if there's a greater purpose?
I could be living right now
Outside my own little world, ooh, my own little world, ooh
Father, break my heart for what breaks Yours Lord, I know you have already done this, but my heart has hardened. Break it! I'm SO ready.
Give me open hands and open doors
Put Your light in my eyes and let me see He made the lame walk and the dumb talk
And He opened blinded eyes to see- I've been blind, help me see!!!
That my own little world is not about me
What if there's a bigger picture?
What if I'm missing out?
What if there's a greater purpose?
That I could be living right now
I don't wanna miss what matters This scares me! I don't want to reach the end of my life and realize that I have done nothing but live for myself.
I wanna be reaching out I've known this since 2005.
Show me the greater purpose Show me where I belong.
So I can start living right now I don't want to waste another minute!
Outside my own little world, my own little world, my own little world
This song is everything I believe. It is powerful, moving, and so inspiring. It has been several years since I have been on a mission trip. I think that has caused my selfishness. I haven't experienced the poverty, I haven't LIVED it. I've been doing a lot of soul searching, trying to figure out where the Lord is leading us next. It's all so confusing. I know I am meant to help and minister to people...just not sure where. I know that I am meant to change lives, to make a difference. There can be no other explanation for my compassion for the people of Latin America and the gift of Spanish that I have been blessed with.
The Vineyard always talks about praying for people and the importance of it. Well, nothing scares me more. I am so afraid that people will judge me if I ask if I can pray for them. Plus, I am not comfortable praying aloud with my own family- Something I am really trying to work on. Just recently, Evan and I were on a plane home from Chicago to Champaign. We were stuck on the runway in Chicago for about 45 minutes because of some storms. We started chatting with the girl in front of us and she told us that she was on her way home from her physical for bone marrow donation. She was about to go through an excruciating operation to hopefully save the life of a 6 year old stranger. How AWESOME! And then I heard it..."Ask to pray for her." WHATTTTTTTT?!?!?!? Who just said that?! I look at Evan and he DEFINITELY had not said it...And then I heard it again, "Michala, ask her if you can pray for her and her surgery." "God?! Is that you? I can't do that. I'm not comfortable with that. She will think I am crazy!!!" Well, I'm sad to say that I denied God that day and did not pray for the girl. I think about this quite a bit and wonder how it might have been different, had I listened. I will never know, but I DO know that from now on, when God tells me to pray, I will. If they think I am crazy, they will say "no thanks!" I don't want to care what people think of me anymore. I want to care what ONE person thinks. No one else matters. As long as I am pleasing to him, what else is there?
This blog post did not turn out how I thought it would but it's pretty long already so....I will save the rest for another day. A little teaser-
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Where my heart longs to be and what it longs to do |
Monday, July 22, 2013
Revelation: The beginning of the end of my "American Dream"
Ever since I can remember, I have been told I am destined to do great things. Well, this past week, I realized this for myself. There have been several times in life that I have made the realization but for whatever reason, I seem to forget. This time, it has stuck and mine and Mr. Thrifter's (MT) life is about to change....DRASTICALLY and for the BEST. I am not quite ready to share with you what God has shown me...but SOON. I promise...I'm still working on getting MT to get on board. :)
I have however, been very centered and focused on the possession of things. Things have begun to define my life. I think "if only I could just have that, then I would be happy." Well, I have all this stuff and I am not satisfied. After I wrecked my car, I decided I needed a newer, nicer one...even though the last one was paid off. I didn't need it. When we first got married, we had a super cute little house for very cheap rent. I decided that I wanted my OWN house, so we bought one. I wish we would have stayed...This all comes back to one thing- STUDENT LOANS. They will be the death of me. Everyone really emphasizes the importance of education - which I TRULY believe in...if you can afford it. I, could not, and cannot afford those loans. If I continue to pay them, we will be in poverty for the rest of our lives. It is the loans that keep us from doing the things we long to do. We want to have kids, we want to take vacations, we want to go do things! We just cannot afford it with almost $1,000 a month in loan payments. It is because of this and because I have developed this "need" to have things that I have decided to declutterize and simplify my life. This also, will help me be able to reach my calling in life which the loans are also holding me back from. I graduated from college in 2009, that was 4 years ago...the Bible talks quite a bit about debt and there is one verse in particular that really stands out to me....
The summer of my 8th grade year, we took a mission trip to Reynosa, Mexico that rocked my soul. In this third world country, I felt so alive and at peace...I felt home. Fast forward a few summers to after I met an amazing man named Randy Stanton at church camp. He introduced us to two little towns in Mexico called Soto La Marina and La Pesca. The first summer I was here, I knew I had found my calling in life. Serving people- That is my calling. Being selfless for the greater good and to glorify God. Sadly, because of the extreme danger in their area, I haven't been able to go since Evan and I spent our first Christmas there. Yes, folks, he is a great guy! :) I love him so unconditionally, especially since he has put up with me and my "craziness" (obsession) this past week. He humors me and lets me go on these "phases" as he likes to call them. Well, honey, I have news for ya! This is NOT a phase!
So, I guess you are all wondering what I am talking about at this point...Well....I have decided that I am a hoarder of things. Not so much a hoarder in the sense you might think:
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This is not QUITE my life... |
Deuteronomy 15:1-2 says: “At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. This is how it is to be done: Every creditor shall cancel the loan he has made to his fellow Israelite. He shall not require payment from his fellow Israelite or brother, because the LORD’s time for canceling debts has been proclaimed.”
Now, I KNOW that Sallie Mae is not going to cancel my debts...HAHA. I KNOW the federal government won't do it either...I alone am responsible for paying it which means, I have less than three years to make this happen. It's time to start paying.
God and I have talked about this and decided that Evan and I need to get rid of EVERYTHING we don't need to survive. Starting today, I will be going through all of our things and selling them. Everything that we make will go towards student loans. We are going to be living HARDCORE Dave Ramsey style for the next year or so. This will probably involve selling our house and downsizing. It is going to be a REALLY hard year, but one for growth, learning, and change. I will have a hard time getting rid of my things, especially ones I have made, but they will go to a good home. And when this debt is paid, I can buy new stuff. I am so excited to start this challenge, especially with Mr. Thrifter AKA Evan Ervin by my side. He is totally on board with dumping our debt and living life like no one else so we can REALLY live like no one else later!
So what does this mean?! For this blog, which I originally created as a place to share the things that I made, it will become a place where I will be blogging about our change in life style. I will talk about hardships, struggles, and miracles. It also means that we need PRAYER and LOTS of it! We are about to face one of the most difficult years of our lives. We ask that you pray for us that the Lord will bless us and encourage us to persevere to the end. It also means that we may have to say no, A LOT. Please understand that if we say no to going out for drinks or dinner, movies, etc, we are not being rude, we literally just can't afford it. Our priorities have shifted. If it involves spending money, we will probably not be able to do it. (Linnea, I'm not quite sure what this means for your wedding just yet.) Some of you are probably thinking I have gone off the deep end. I promise you, I have never been more here nor felt more alive! For those of you that know me, this next part will come as a total shock...
I, Michala McWhirter, being of sound mind, body, and soul, SOLEMNLY SWEAR that I will NOT buy ANYTHING for myself or my husband that is not a life necessity until this debt has been paid. PLEASE feel free to hold me accountable and remind me of my mission.
I want so badly to have this paid off....I have an end goal which hopefully, I will get to share in the next few months...Evan says I have to give it at LEAST 30 days... :)
If anyone would like to provide support for us as we embark on this wild and crazy journey, we need prayer, and lots of it. Please pray for patience on both of our parts. Pray for healing from this obsession of things. Pray for guidance and the direction we are being led. Pray for wisdom as we journey through the waters that are the "debt snow ball" but most of all, pray for conviction. This is supposed to be a journey for learning and growing as individuals.
Instead of being "I can make that" this blog will now be called "I can sell that!"
Let's get started!!! :)
If anyone would like to provide support for us as we embark on this wild and crazy journey, we need prayer, and lots of it. Please pray for patience on both of our parts. Pray for healing from this obsession of things. Pray for guidance and the direction we are being led. Pray for wisdom as we journey through the waters that are the "debt snow ball" but most of all, pray for conviction. This is supposed to be a journey for learning and growing as individuals.
Instead of being "I can make that" this blog will now be called "I can sell that!"
Let's get started!!! :)
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Baking MACHINE!!!
I was a baking MACHINE yesterday. The internet was out...what do you do when the internet is out?! Evan and I talked about it because we were both chomping at the bit for it to come back on, we were going MAD. It made me realize something. Our accessibility to the internet as we know it now, has been around for less than ten years. Ten years ago, people were still using dial up because high speed wasn't available to them. So that leads me to my next question...if, in ten years time, we have allowed the internet to consume us and control us this much, what do we have to look forward to in the next ten years? I'm not so sure I am excited about that. This is something I really want to work on, to limit my internet time, which will be tough! I use it for EVERYTHING! I Skype with my sisters and sister-in-law a lot (several days a week) I look up recipes, I get on Facebook, I Blog Surf, I watch Netflix, Hulu Plus, and I am an AVID Amazon Prime shopper...it's a problem.
So anyway, the whole lack of internet lead me to think about what to do...I turned on my Pandora (another internet user) on my phone and started doing laundry. Once you get laundry started though, you have to wait a while, so I was stuck again! I decided to start baking. We have some new neighbors in the area and thought it might be nice to take them some treats. We had some bananas that were on their last leg on the counter (those are the best for banana bread....but I prefer the black ones myself!) I started with the banana bread. I made two loaves. I then decided that I wanted to keep a loaf of banana bread and I wanted to make some REAL bread to take to the neighbors. I got out my Betty Crocker Bread book we bought it on Amazon originally but they no longer have the hard copy. They only have the Kindle version. (sad day) This book is so amazing. If you have a bread maker, you NEED this book.
Ok, enough jabber, here is the beautimus picture of my LOVELY bread....I know right? It's BEAUTIFUL. And it was so easy. And as the hubby stated, "it smells like Christmas!!!"
The recipe is as follows (I made modifications, of course...because I am my father's daughter and can't ever follow a recipe as it states...I at least know what to change and what has to stay the same!)
Here is the recipe!!!
Sweet Bread Wreath (my modified version)
1 wreath is 24 servings
For the bread:
1/4 cup water
3/4 cup sour cream (I used greek yogurt because I prefer it and it has less calories and fat!)
1 egg
3 cups bread flour
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons bread machine yeast
For the topping:
1 egg, beaten
3 tablespoons sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground anise (I don't like anise so I used cloves instead)
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
Place all bread ingredients in the bread machine pan in the order recommended by the manufacturer (I put them in in the order they are listed in the recipe which happens to be how Breadman recommends (liquids first))
Turn you bread machine on and select Dough/Manual Cycle (you cannot use the delay feature here as it has eggs AND dairy in it!) Let the machine do its thing, then.....
Remove the dough (flour your hands because I some how managed to miss that key piece of advice...it's STICKY, folks!) You are supposed to cover it and let it rest for 10 minutes which I also happened to miss...I was just SO excited!
Once it has risen, place it in a pre-heated 350 degree oven and bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. And...Just a couple more pictures for your enjoyment. This bread is so good, even without butter!
Maybe tomorrow I will blog about the most phenomenal Apple Cake that I made! :)
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